The House of Lemang

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Lemang Vacuumed Pack ready for consumption when I receive it?

Absolutely! Cut the bag and dig in, enjoy our Lemang with all its side dishes!

How long can I keep the Lemang Vacuum Pack?

If kept sealed in Vacuum Pack,

Chiller – 2 weeks

Freezer – 4 weeks

Room Temp – 2 days

Immediate dining?
Please consume all food within 4 hours upon receiving
Intending to keep and consume the next day?
Store your Sets / Bundles in the chiller or freezer immediately. You may microwave or reheat goods on low heat upon consumption.
Boiling Method

Please do not remove the vacuum pack when boiling

Vacuumed Lemang Pack – Boil for 45 – 60 mins till soft

Vacuumed Nasi Empit – Boil for 20 – 30 mins till soft

Steaming Method
Non-vacuum pack Lemang – Steam for 25 – 30 mins till soft
Non-vacuum pack Nasi Empit – Steam for 15 – 20 mins till soft
Can I microwave the Lemang?
We suggest steaming as microwaving can make our Lemang hard and crispy.
What are your Payment Methods?

We accept PAYNOW, VISA, Matercard or Amex debit or credit cards. 


Are my debit/credit card details safe? 

The House of Lemang has quality encryption and authentication tools to protect the security of your credit card information. We try our best to protect your security on our systems. The House of Lemang utilises Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, which is designed to render information unreadable should anyone try to intercept it. However, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to or from our website, and you do so at your own risk.